School Assemblies

  • 1 out of 3 young people suffer from depression. 
  • Everyday 500 students start using drugs. 
  • Everyday 1,000 students begin drinking.
  • 9 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls are exposed to pornography before the age of 18. 
  • Each year in the U.S. over 750,000 adolescent girls become pregnant.
  • 9.5 million new infections (STDs) occur each year among young people ages 15 to 24.
  • The average amount of media consumed each day among students ages 8 to 18 is 7.5 hours a day. 
  • 40% of young people have inflicted self injury. 
  • Fatherlessness has become an epidemic among the American teenager. 
  • Bullying and suicide continues to grow among the American teenager. 

Knowing the statistics, we must act now! Our school assemblies exist for this very purpose: To move with urgency into each high school and middle school stressing the most powerful ability every person has... the ability to choose. We all have a choice in the matter! 

During our programs, we use cutting edge dramas and skits that deal with key issues this generation is facing. In addition, we present live music and real life stories from young adults who've shattered all statistics; defying all the odds that were stacked against them. Each assembly is action packed, high energy, and life changing. Students will walk away from this event fully aware that they hold the keys to their future. Students must realize the choices they make impact not only their future, but the world around them. 

"What we do in life echoes in eternity." -- Maximus

Community Event

Hydrate is an experience like none other. These nights are designed to impact entire campuses, communities, and cities. Each night is filled with incredible rock bands and hip hop artists who know how to engage a crowd. 

Powerful drama presentations will be seen throughout the evening that will cause an awakening in every soul. Certain young adults from our team will be highlighted as they share where they've been, where they are now, and where they're going. These young men and women will inspire you to join them on a journey to change the world! 

Hydrate takes everything to another level. At each event, we will move beyond surface level issues to address the issues of the heart. Before we can change the world, we ourselves must be changed! 

Throughout the night, there will be drawings for prizes such as flat screen TVs, Apple Watch, iPads, gift cards, gas cards, game systems, school supplies, etc. Hydrate has already acheived incredible results in multiple schools and communities. To bring Hydrate to your school or city contact us today.

Coming soon to a school near you!